Friday, September 25, 2009

Remembering my pills....

I am struggling to remember what I was going to write next, up till now I have been able to cover up the flaws this causes, but it is getting harder to keep it covered. When I am anxious or having a hard time thinking my head gets overheated and feels all clogged up. I remember.... Medical...

I have thyroid problems, anxiety, and chronic anemia. All my biological children have chronic anemia. I was on prescriptions for all of these. But I found that my worst enemy was my memory. I could not remember to take my pills regularly enough. In the end the medications were causing more trouble then helping because of how speradic I was taking them. For this reason I went to see an herbalist. The herbs were more gentle then the prescriptions, so I did not have extreme side effects for not remembering to take them on a normal basis. My last check up with my midwife my anemia and my thyroid were within normal levels. I feel the herbs have helped allot, but in a gentle way.

I am having anxiety when I think about seeing a medical doctor again. I researched and found the best thyroid doctor in the state, who is well known and highly sought after for his medical knowledge. Even though I highly value and respect my doctor I am anxious about going through the medical process again. I know he will believe me and listen, he is a wonderful patient advocate, but I am not sure I want to take on the rollercoster of forgotten medication again. And some medication can get in the way of the herbs healing, though I would think that thyroid medicine is low on that risk. I am trying to talk myself into going back.

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